

2019 年度 第 46 回 大学院セミナー 'Tips and Tricks in Endodontics '@長崎大学医歯薬学総合研究科


Tips and Tricks in Endodontics, Prof. Iluminada L. Viloria

2019/ 11/21 , 17:30-19:00

Tips and Tricks in Endodontics
講 師 UE College of Dentistry Professor Iluminada L. Viloria

Endodontic treatment has a very high level of success at 95%. This can be accomplished provided correct diagnosis and proper treatment has been done. Problems may occur due to improper diagnosis, presence of anatomical aberrations such as presence of extra canal, calcification and canal curvature. This lecture will present endodontic cases and focus on the importance of diagnosis, factors affecting canal location like calcification and extra canals with and without the aid of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for its location and management of curve canals.



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